3rd Trimester

NBR: how to tell family we won't travel for holidays?

When we got married we fell easily into alternating visiting DH and my families for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I began to be sad that we were always away from our home on holidays, so once our first LO was born we began offering to host and saying that we were no longer going to travel away from our home for every holiday. This holiday season our second LO will be almost 10 months, so we could travel, but I just don't want to. We did 12hr+ trips for both Thanksgiving and Christmas this past year and I just want to stay home this year!

Is there a nice way to "tell" people we will not travel this year, but we'd love to have them come celebrate with us?  I anticipate this meeting a negative reaction ("oh, but we always do it this way, you'll miss the big family gathering, other people travel" etc) so I want to say it in as friendly and non-ultimatum-ish way as possible.

What does your family do?  
Do you travel for every holiday?
Or have you worked out a rotation so you can be home some years (if you live different places)? 

I love theBump community, and the many wonderful women to take time to commiserate, encourage, exhort and cheer on! Thanks you all!
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