3rd Trimester

My little man is here.

I know I'm a little late on getting this up but thats ok.

On monday the 23rd I had a check up and NST which I was doing every other day. When I got there my BP was 180/100 and they were a little worried. I had a very long and complicated pregnancy this time around. Well the NST was fine. I was contracting every 3 min which wasnt anything new. I went in to see my midwife and she checked my BP again twice on both arms just to make sure and it went down to 175/95 after laying down for half an hour. She looked at me and said well I'm cancelling your induction and were having a baby today. We figured the safest thing for myself and the baby was to have him be born. She said take your time heading over call who you need and get things situated with Shelby my 22 month old. As I was walking out of the office I called my husband whom I told to go to work although we knew it might happen that day. He answered and I started to cry saying its baby time go get shelby and meet me at the hospital. An hour later I was in my room getting settled in. I was admtted at 1 pm and at 3 pm they started me on a slow drip of pitosin.  Two hours later I was at 5 cm. The contractions were fine, I was in complete control. They uped my dosage every hour by 2 and by 8 pm I was 7 cm and got to hang out in the jacuzzee. I didnt even feel pain only pressure from the contractions. By 3 am we decided it was time to pop my water. by 330 the pain was starting to kick in. at 430 I decided I wanted the epi becaue I wasnt able to focus. at 5 am I was prepped and geting the epi. It was all done by 520 and i was resting for about an hour. My midwife came in and checked and I was fully dilated. We did a couple practice pushes but he was still pretty high up so she turned off the epi by my request so that i can feel everything. She rolled me over onto my side to see if we could get him to move down some. That was 635 am. My husband went to get some coffee my mom went to the restroom and my nurse and midwife went to do some paper work. My sister and i were talking when all of a sudden I looked at her and said run he is coming now. She went out to get the Nurse and midwife. She checked and his head was right there. we were able to see all of his hair. I was like I cant start pushing till his dad gets back. That second he walked through the door to people rushing my mom freaking out because she isn't ready lol. She couldnt find the camra. At 640 I started to push and at 653 am on 1/24/12 My little man Dakota Van was born. I even got to pull him out myself. I Got to hold him for the first hour skin to skin and he even started to breast feed. He was/is perfect. 7 lbs 11 oz and 19 3/4 in long. He is absolutly adorable. Looks just like his big sister and daddy. I am so blessed to have a semi fast and safe delivery after such a long and complicated pregnancy.

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