Upstate NY Babies

Breastfeeding in public....

I hope I'm not starting any drama.  I'm just curious if anyone heard about this story.  I was on my way to work this morning and on the radio they were talking about a woman (from Rochester) who was breastfeeding in line at Target yesterday.  There was a woman in front of her with her two children.  The lady that was nursing actually leaked milk and it got onto the kids in front of her....or it was just the son...I can't remember now if it was both kids.  Anyways, the boy told his Mother it was raining and it took the Mom a second to figure out what happened.  When she saw that it was milk she said something to the nursing Mom.  The nursing Mother apparently went off on her!!   The nursing Mom then got down on the kids level (exposed) and told them that this is how you feed babies.  WTF??  Now let me say that I breastfed both my boys.  While I never really did it in public places I have NO problem with people who do.  However, in the check out line, leaking and then to top it off she feels it's her job to explain the nursing to this other woman's child?  Don't agree with that at all!!
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