Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Can you hear your LO's tummy rumbling?

DS is 2 weeks 6 days old. We EBF every 2-3 hours during the day and about every 3.5 hours at night. In between and during nursing I can hear and feel his tummy rumbling and sometimes he is crabby and I can tell he's uncomfortable. Sometimes he will let out a huge fart right afterwards and sometimes not. He has a normal amount of wet and muddy diapers for his age and being EBF, and rarely ever spits up (think he's spit up a total of 3-4 times). We go back to the doctor tomorrow for another weigh in since he was 2-3oz shy of being back up to his birth weight at his 2 week checkup, so I'll ask about it then, but wanted to know if any other mommies noticed this with their LOs.



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