Single Parents

How should I handle this? (about STBX-ILs)

Right now there is no custody order in place. I've told STBXH that I only feel comfortable with meeting in public places for him to see our son. He still tried to weasel into going over to my old house (he doesn't know I moved out and live with my parents yet). He'll say, oh my mail keeps going there...  etc... (I'm going to start return to sender with a note he doesn't live there as of now- I've asked him repeatedly to change his address).

So his parents came out once to see DS, I've told STBXH that they are more than welcome to come any time to our PUBLIC meetings, and that included his grandmother.

Well STBXH's grandmother is older, but I've told him he should pick her up (she lives next door) and bring her when we go to like the library. His family keeps INSISTING that I must bring DS to HER. I've kindly tried to explain how uncomfortable this has made me and that I don't think it's a good idea, then again offering her to come out to see DS. (She has verbally attacked me about being the cause of our failed marriage and being a bad mother for doing all this. She cornered me in her drive way one time when I tried to drop DS off for a visit.) Needless to say, I DO NOT feel comfortable going there by myself with DS and I don't deserve the verbal abuse.

He keeps insisting, and insisting, and insisting. Any time we have a visit planned he will say "After you should bring him to my grandmothers, it's been like since Christmas since she's seen him..." Laying on the guilt trip nice and thick.

I'm afraid I'll either have to be the big ol'e b!tch they say I am or else I'm going to break and give in, and then his family will try to walk all over me and say XH should be able to see DS at his grandmothers too. Need major advice please!

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