3rd Trimester


I went to the doctor's on Tuesday and was told that I am 2 cm and 50% effaced.  I am almost positive I lost my MP last night(there was no blood but a glob in the toilet, which I am assuming was the plug) and I have been contracting(they aren't every 5 minutes or enough to take my breath away but definitely noticeable). I know that people can walk around like this for weeks; however, DD was born at 25 weeks, so I'm a little worried about going early.  With everything that is going on and my history, I'm starting to think I should have some kind of restrictions at work.  I am a manager at a retail store and spend the majority of the time on my feet. 

 I'm not looking to necessarily be put out of work, I'm just thinking that I should probably be on limited duty with restrictions on lifting, bending, pulling and the number of hours I am scheduled.  


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