
Updated! EDD: tomorrow -, but today we scheduled a c for 2/7/2012! Just some rambling to help me cop

(this turned out to be long - sorry)

 I also posted on Feb 2012, but figured maybe I could get some advice from Momma's who've been there - done that! ---- I've read the past 10 pages of post from this board today (just to get some of my questions answered, that I knew had probably been asked time & time again) So thank you to previous posters!!! What I have gained: I'm buying a pair of the Motherhood Post Paturm Panties, I am not so scared of recovery, & Everyone seems to be very positive (which has made this day so much better!!) :-)

First let me say that before getting pregnant I didn't have an OB & didn't really know what questions to ask. I found one who made me feel comfortable & we went with him. Well through out the pregnancy he has been really quick/laid back. Appts. last no more than 10 minutes, he doesn't give to much information. He's in & Out. Well we only had 1 sonogram at 20 weeks, which is fine with me, no need for more if there isn't a need.

Well went in for my 37 week apt & I wasn't dilated, 60% effaced, & baby hadn't dropped. Every week since, there has been no progression. I have had very regular (3+ an hour - but only a couple times was there a pattern) - since 2 Monday's ago - working on two weeks of constant contractions. It's been a non stop tease. 

Went in for my 40 week today - still with no progression, my OB decided it was time for a sono & NST test to see how the little man looked. Baby's breech with not enough fluid for an inversion.  Now I thought the baby had been, but the OB hadn't seem worried, so I trusted him, and it's not like the baby or I were in danger so I didn't fight my doctor. Well we scheduled a c-section for next Tuesday - 40w5d. 

Here's my thoughts I need to get off my chest.

1. Why I'm frustrated: I feel cheated that my OB hadn't done anything/checked earlier on so we would maybe have a chance to encourage a move. I know it was my chose to choose the OB I did, but as a FTM I had no idea. My DH & I weren't trying to get pregnant (but weren't trying to stop it either) so at the begining it was a windwhirl & I didn't do enough preparation before deciding who to go with. What I keep telling myself: At least we didn't rush a c-section & the baby is hopefully more than baked at 40w5d!!

2. Why I'm frustrated: I feel like I cheated myself. I have done so much preparation for a natural birth, now I'm trying to play catch up to prepare for the C & recovery - & by all means I'm happy my LO is healthy & all will be okay - but I was so excited for the initial THIS IS IT!, excitement of driving to the hospital, being in labor... all that jazz. What I keep telling myself: At least I have time to prepare.

3.  I'm scared. I've never had anything more than a numbed toe because of an ingrown toe nail! What I keep telling myself:  They do this all the time - it's not like I'm the only one who's gone through it!!! SO many women out there have conquered this!

4. Why I'm frustrated: I'm overly annoyed by these contractions. Especially now that I know they are useless. I'm sick of the pain & knowing I have five more days of it. When in reality I could have this my LO here with me tomorrow, but my OB's schedule is full & that Tuesday was his first opening.  What I keep telling myself: In reality this time will fly by & in 6 days all that will matter is that he will be here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for letting me talk this out! Now I can move on, relax, & enjoy the birth of my baby boy!
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