3rd Trimester

Wrong EDD

I just found out at the dr's today that I've been counting down days by the wrong due date! The nurse said, "36 weeks today!" and I thought noo...34. I said, "36? Don't you mean 34? I'm due March 11th." She laughed and told me that Baby Gomez is scheduled to be born February 28th.

At first I was super excited. Being told I'm at risk for a preterm labor, I was so happy that I've already made it further in my pregnancy than I had thought. But now it's starting to sink in...and I'm getting scared (excited, but scared).

DH was not very supportive when I said, "wow, now I'm really starting to get anxious."  He doesn't understand that at pretty much any time I could/will start feeling terrible pains that will only get worse until a watermelon pops out. And not only the pain and hard work (that's why they call it "labor" it really is work!) but also there's so many things that can go wrong. I'd go crazy if I sat and thought of all of them. I just lost a whole 2 weeks that I thought I had to prepare. I was half way expecting to go early, so physically I have mostly everything ready, but I just feel like it's so sudden now.

Oh well. As long as baby is healthy, that's all that matters. The rest will fall into place.

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