Single Parents

What can he really do....or not do?

I'm six weeks today and have not yet told anyone that I am pregnant. My boyfriend of over a year just broke up with me Because he said he can't see a future with us and also there are "issues" with our religions. He is Muslim I am Christian. Anyways...he broke up with me and then moved out of the state, which I knew was happening due to a new job. Now I find myself pregnant and not sure what to do...I know that when I tell him he will say that he isn't ready for a baby and that it isn't what he wants right now in life. I want to keep the baby and will raise him/her on my own, however I do not want him to go back and forth and take the chance of him coming into this child's life and then leaving him/her....

Another thing that worries me a lot is the religion part. Everywhere I look and read on the Internet says the baby is suppose to follow the fathers religion, I have nothing against the Muslim beliefs however I don't know how comfortable I would be with raising my child Muslim if the father might not always be around? How do i go about my ex wanting the child to be raised muslim while i strongly desire for him/her to be christian? I'm just confused and do not know where to go or how to tell my ex that I am pregnant.... 

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