Indiana Babies

transitioning to sippy cup

We need help! We struggled with Jocelyn too, but apparently I didn't learn any lessons. We probably should have started transitioning earlier this time around - oops. Connor gets bottles of breast milk all day at daycare, then I breastfeed in the evenings and on weekends. I've already dropped a pumping session (woohoo!) and am using up my frozen stash with the intention of being done pumping completely by the time he turns 1 in 3 weeks. I'd like to switch him to cow's milk and cups completely at that time, though I may still BF in the evenings or whatever.

I have tried giving him all types of sippy cups with water, breastmilk, and even cow's milk and formula but he cries and throws the cup every time. I know if we just offer the cup and don't give the bottle as an option that he will eventually drink when he gets thirsty enough, but I know that will be painful (for us!) to get through and am saving that as our last-ditch plan. Any other advice/tips?

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