Single Parents

Mediation Help

So I got my papers in the mail today and my hearing is on 3/20 for custody&visitation and child support mediation. I dont think my ex SO has been served yet because im sure he would have called or mentioned it since he came to visit DD today, I have a feeling he isnt gonna be to happy when they come in the next day or two. Part of me feels bad about even having to go this route and I know thats because I still have some feelings for him but then the other part of me feels that im doing whats best for my daughter and that outweighs everything else.

For those who have been to mediation already or those that are going, what things would be good for me to discuss/address? Like birthdays, holidays, overnights etc. I just need a general idea of what would be good to bring up. Also I remember someone posting how they wrote that exes are not allowed to introduce children to current gf/bf unless they have been together 6 months or more( i think), im thinking about including something similar. I realize that would affect me too which is fine, I just dont believe in introducing my child to every tom,***, and harry.

Suggestions are definitely welcome this is my first rodeo so I dont really know where to began.

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyName Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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