3rd Trimester

Insurance help: People who have had babies before

I have Humana. I paid my deductible for the year already. I called to ask what I should expect to pay insurance-wise when I discharge from the hospital after my son is born. They told me I would be paying my deductible. I told them I already had. They told me my OB was holding onto it as a 'deposit' because they didn't have a claim to apply it to yet, and that my son being born would be that claim. They then told me I would have to get a refund from my OB's office for that $1,000. So, basically, these people think I just have thousands lying around to pay to whoever, whenever they need it.

Aside from that, does this sound normal to you? Has anyone else had to pay your deductible at the OB, then again at the hospital, and then had to ask for a refund from the OB's office? I just don't know how this all is supposed to work, and it doesn't sound right to me at all...

I am only writing on the bump about this because I cannot get a hold of a human being at my OB's office for the life of me and I'm about to throw the phone through the wall. Any help would be GREATLY, greatly appreciated! I am just so confused. I have really good insurance and I am kind of pissed that I am going to have to pay this twice, even if I do get a refund...the process of getting the refund is just an unnecessary headache that could have been avoided if my OB would have just sent my deductible into Humana!!!!! Super Angry

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