3rd Trimester

My mom criticizes my housekeeping. Whine.

I've got a cold, and a toddler (happily naping just now! yay!), and I'm 36 weeks, and all I can think of is "I should scrub my fridge, and vacuums the car, and pull the weeds in the front steps" because my mom (who I really do love) always, always, always finds a way to pick on my house keeping when she comes!
I really believe she doesn't mean to be negative, but without fail she manages to find something "disgusting" or "so filthy" about my house.
Now, I'm no Martha Stewart, and things aren't always tidy, but they ARE clean. I get so irritated when she does this, and then she gets all hyper defensive and mad at me and calls me hyper defensive! :(  So THEN I just scrub the whole house before she visits, ceiling to floors and every crevice inbetween, just to avoid any incidents..... and she STILL always manages to find something that she feels the need to correct (and point out)!

Why can't she just clean it and not tell me?  
Or even, why can't she just play with my kids and leave the housework alone? 

Thanks for listening! 

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