Upstate NY Babies

Will I ever love my Nook?

I have had this thing for over a year, and I still prefer a real book. I have read 2-3 books on it, but have let more books expire (library borrows) before I could read them than that.

I picked up The Help in Dec and read it within a week, a real book that had been on my book shelf. I thought I was in the swing of reading and got some library books for my dice.

I got a b&n gc for Christmas......$50 that I still have not spent. I want to buy real books, not digital books or apps for my nook. I even thought the iphone app for nook would get me anyplace anytime and it would pick up where I left off from my nook! Nope.

I thought about turning it into an android  but I don't think it would help, I just can't get over my need to hold a real book and turn real pages.

Anyone else have this issue?

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