Babies: 0 - 3 Months

FTM - Questions

So, I have about a thousand questions but I will keep this post to just a few...

1. I am pumping and supplementing with formula (1 - 1.5 oz of each at each feeding).  Should I be concerned she hasn't pooped in over 12 hours?  This is the first day this has happened since she was born.  (Note: She is a week older than my ticker says, I haven't updated it yet).

2. I think she might be gassy -- she squirms a LOT and gets really red in the face.  Any suggestions on how to help her with this?  The formula I am supplementing with is Enfamil Premium Newborn.

3. How do you keep a newborn awake during the day?  As you might imagine I am trying to get her to sleep more at night instead of during the day, but as soon as she is done eating she is out like a light again.   

TIA ladies!!!

BFP #1 4/07, 6/07 MMC 9w6d D&C | DX PCOS/annovulatory | BFP #2 (50 mg Clomid) 11/8/10, Natural MC 11/25/10 | Cycle #1 (50 mg Clomid) BFN | Cycle #2 (100 mg Clomid) BFN | Cycle #3 (100 mg Clomid & HCG trigger) BFN | Cycle #4 (100 mg Clomid, HCG trigger, & IUI)= BFN | Cycle #5 (150 mg Clomid, HCG trigger, & IUI) = BFP --> Beta #1 12DPO: 48, Beta #2 14dpo: 171, Progesterone: 105, Beta #3 19dpo: 2,418 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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