South Florida Babies

Also.. Reccommend a VBAC-friendly OB and/or hospital that lets you eat/drink move during labor

I think my title pretty much says it all.

For the record, I've only had a vaginal birth (I think in part because the hospital we used let you move, eat light foods, and drink clear liquids during labor).  But I feel like a doc who does VBACs will be more progressive.

Also, a low-interventionist, low-control hospital.  I forget whether it was Jackson or Hollywood Memorial I spoke with, but the nurse told me they don't even let your husband bring in food for himself to eat during labor.  F that!  We're in our 30s, you don't get to tell us - esp someone who's not your patient - what to do like that.  (If I'm not "officially" allowed, I likely will eat/drink during labor anyway when the nurses aren't looking).

Our house is in Miramar, so hopefully something not too far from there. 

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