3rd Trimester

XP Those familiar with Procardia

 After a trip to L&D last Friday for contractions I could not stop, I was given 2 shots of Brethine and eventually sent home. Before my follow up appt yesterday they started up again, so I was put on Procardia 4x daily. Took my first one at 7:30pm, then at 1:30am. Slept as fine as I can these days, woke up for my 7:30am dose and felt like sh*t within about 30 min. I was flush, lightheaded, dizzy. Had no clue what was going on. The only side effect OB warned me about was headaches.

Of course I Google, and find the others are also very common side effects. Also learn no grapefruit or grapefruit juice - which I'm glad I read, b/c I drink it ALL the time.

Anyone have experience with Procardia? Do the side effects lessen as your body gets used to them? I am still allowed to work for now (ONLY b/c I work fairly close to home and sit at a desk all day), but feeling like this is not making it easy. 

Also, did the Procardia alone work to keep your contractions under control? Mine were not doing too terribly much to my cervix - went from 25% to 50% effaced, not dilated. 

It's only 3 weeks so not the end of the world, and absolutely worth it to keep her cooking, just  wondering what other's experiences have been with the meds!

 Thanks :) 

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