3rd Trimester

silly question for previous mommies :)

So I feel like a complete kid for wondering this, but its been on the back of my mind forever now. For a vaginal birth I know that the nurses will clean you up down there while your holding/ feeding the baby or while the baby is being tended to also. But I was wondering how long after birth did you wait/have to wait before showering? Also-which this sounds silly- but how much blood is there? I've read that its only about as heavy as a period, but prior to being pregnant my periods only lasted litterally one day and I'd only go through one or two regular sized tampons. But I know that after birth women arnt supposed to use tampons. Soo basically I'm wondering after showering do people bleed enough that it runs down their legs before their able to dry off and dress.. or what.  yes, yes.. this post sounds so ridiculous.... but come on you know when you were pregnant for the first time you had a 100 silly questions too. I just happened to ask one of them. :)
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