Upstate NY Babies

Crazy DH

My DH always complains about our dog - the shedding, the holes she has dug in the back yard, even the clicking of her nails on the floor when he is trying to sleep haha.  And our backyard is a swamp right now bc of the weather so we have been having to walk her to go to the bathroom.  He has even said before repeatedly that he never wants another dog again.

He just sent me links to a couple dogs from petfinder on my phone.  I actually thought that his phone had a virus (is that even possible?) and he was spamming people.  But no....he has been looking at petfinder.  I am so dumbfounded.  I would love a second dog.  Or even just the thought that eventually when Abby isn't with us, that we will some day get another dog.  It really saddened me to think we would never ever have another dog when he used to say that. 

But I can't believe he has been looking.  On his own.....I haven't brought up wanting a dog in at least a year.  I actually think this would be horrible timing.  I don't want a single extra responsibility right now that I don't already have during the newborn stage.  Maaaybe this summer, but really not until Clayton is 1 yr old would I have even thought about adding another dog.  I don't want to shoot him down bc then I know that eventually I will be at a point where I will want to look at dogs and he will be all butthurt that I didn't like his dog.  But really DH?!?  WIth a 3 week old baby?!?  Maybe it is the lack of sleep getting to him and he has completely lost it.

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