3rd Trimester

Short Vent

So at least 3 times a week when I walk into work my boss makes a comment like, "wow, your getting bigger by the day!" or "God, are you eating again?!" etc. I know shes only kidding because she has told me before that I am all baby, & with all of her pregnancies she gained like 60lbs. I havent really gained anywhere besides my stomach. BUT I mean who the hell wants to hear that everyday-joking or not? I work in a daycare & a couple of the parents have made comments like, "you look great!" which makes me feel really good, Im not gonna lie. Idk if Im just reading too much into it but I swear I almost feel like my boss gives me the side eye when they make those comments.

Idk what her issue is but personally, Im not that thrilled to have put on this much weight & since Im a FTM Im not sure how quickly its going to come off of me so Im a little worried about it. My hormones (not me of course) wants to tell her to STFU & kick rocks with flip flops the next time she makes a fat joke, but I dont see me getting away with it. Thanks for reading, I needed to get that out!

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