South Florida Babies

New to S. FL and... need some help.

Hi ladies!
I often lurk but don't post; my family moves to Miami in a few days (my DH went to HS there, I'll be totally new). I'm running into something - not just in my job search, but in trying to find a doctor, a colorist, etc to have in place before we arrive - that really confuses me.

My husband, and I are respectable, well-educated, home-owning, well-spoken professionals who present ourselves well in terms of appearance and conduct.  Our son is a well-behaved, clean child.  None of us has ever had difficulty making and keeping friends.  

I'm not saying everyone has to like us, but I'm confused as to why the majority of the time I speak with people on the phone, they're normal and helpful, but completely shut down when I say "we're new in town" or "we're moving on X date."  A few have even become outright hostile, asking irrelevant questions like am I from there, do I have family in the area, etc. 

I know that every city has different rules, and that not all like  newcomers - for example, were someone to move to the small town where I grew up, I'd tell them to buy X brand of clothes, participate in Y activities, and be vocal about having Z values.  It would break the ice, and they'd have some good friends within a year or so.  Is there such a secret in South Florida?  I just want friends and a good job, and I'm not sure why my being new seems to just offend most people.

Please enlighten me, I'm trying very hard not to draw unfair conclusions about the city before I even move there.

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