Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Question for Nursing Moms

A few weeks ago, my son (7.5 weeks now) started acting like he was having trouble latching on to my right side.  He start nursing, then cry while nursing and pull off and start screaming.  I'd have to wait for the crying fit to stop (about 10 seconds) before I could get him to start again, and he'd do it again about 30 seconds later.  This would go on for about 5 minutes before he started getting drowsy enough to calm down.  I wondered if it was only happening during the meals that he was screaming for about an hour beforehand for out of hunger, but after some trial and error I found that he would do it even for the ones I had to wake him up for.  Now, it happens on both sides and really has no pattern to it whatsoever, except that it's a pain for both of us.  My lactation consultant suggested it could be anything down to a sore shoulder on that side, but I really don't think there's anything wrong with him because it's been going on for so long now.  Anyone ever have this happen to them, and how did you fix/handle it?
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