Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Dried blood around cord stump?

His pedi said he had "prominent blood vessels" at his cord site and cauterized it.  She said we only needed to call if there was "profuse bleeding".  There isn't any ongoing bleeding at all, so it definitely doesn't warrant a call as per what we'd been told when we first brought it to her attention and she addressed it (she did say we may see some more small amounts of dried blood around the cord stump)...

Just wondering if any of you have seen dried blood around the cord site as it began to fall off.  My daughter didn't have it and she's really all I have to compare.   I know the dr reassured us that it's OK, but it would somehow make me feel better to know he isn't the only baby who has had this.  It doesn't seem to bother him at all.  

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