Upstate NY Babies

tantrums in public

A confession and a question:  

B had a public meltdown in Target:( I was kinda hoping she'd never do this b/c she's usually really good in the stores (high hopes I know). I sometimes take her there to run around. For some reason the kid LOVES Target. Anyway, she was fine until she saw those chocolate Dove roses they have every Valentines day. She flipped b/c she wanted one. I took her away from the area, said "no"  and she just melted down. Hitting me, thrashing and screaming. She's NEVER done those things before. I sware, it looked like I was kidnapping the child.

Anyway, I took her several isles away and she started running back towards those dang roses. So I handed her one to quite her down. I immediately thought, oh that was a bad choice. I just rewarded that bad behavior. But with the screaming and side eyes I was getting, I just wanted to placate her so I could finish my shopping. But she's soooo hard to say no to, especially since she was using her signs and trying to say please. I know, bad bad bad.

How do you handle the meltdowns in public. Just let them pass, do you leave the store or is there something else? I don't want to be "that" lady with the screaming child every time B doesn't get her way or get something she wants.  

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