
Oh crap, biting!

DS is nearly 10 months old and has had two bottom teeth since 7.5 months and cut his first top tooth a month ago. I suspect he's getting his other top one now, but I can't see anything on his gums yet, so I don't know.

Anyway, DS had never bitten me -- until yesterday! He bit me once while nursing, then continued on fine for the rest of the day. Then again this morning, he bit me several times when I switched him to the second boob (he always nurses on both sides, except overnight). I kept saying OUCH!, delatching, waiting for a minute, then trying again, but he wound up never latching. : He didn't seem bothered by it because, like I said, he'd already nursed fine from Boob 1.

I'm just looking for some advice if I should be doing anything differently or commiseration or just reassurances that this will pass! I'm a SAHM, so I rarely pump and bottle feed, and I'm in nooooo way ready to wean him. I want to make it to at LEAST a year, and we're so close to that!

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