Babies: 0 - 3 Months

I feel horribly guilty but...

I hate breastfeeding, it's not something I ever pictured myself doing but wanted to try. It's only been 2 days but I dread everytime they say it's time to feed him, I know a lot of women love the bonding but I'm just finding it akward and stressful. Yesterday I asked the nurse for formula so DH could feed him and he sucked it down quick and fell right to sleep and DH loved the expirience. Part of me would just love to switch to formula but the guilt is killing me. Is the colostrum where they get all the antibodies? I'm trying to At least get him that. I had a long labor, 3 hours of pushing and eventually a c section and I am jus drained but I want to do what's best for my son, I'm Wondering if it's formula since I'm So unhappy breastfeeding and I can get more help with Formula. Thanks for letting me vent

Married my best friend 5/2/2008
TTC our first miracle since November 2010
BFP 3/16/2011 Chemical Pregnancy 3/20/2011

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