3rd Trimester

Ex in-laws....grrr! (a bit long)

Ok, so I still see my ex-mil because I have children with my ex-husband. She lives in the same town as me and we sometimes get along. My fiance can't stand her and 9 times out of 10 I feel his pain. Well my fiance and I went to visit with the kids and we talked about my appointment that I had had that morning. My Dr has talked to me about inducing because of some complications I'm having. My fiance and I agreed to be induced on Feb. 23rd since it's only a couple days before my actual due date of Feb 25th. I mentioned this to her and suddenly she's all " Well ALL of my grandchildren have been born with either a 1 or a 3 in the date. I can hope I'll get lucky and this one will come even earlier and be born on the 13th of Feb." Seriously?!?!?!? Who the h3ll wishes someone will go into labor almost 2 weeks early because of BS like that?? This isn't even her grandchild! Yes, my baby will be a half-sibling to my other children but she is in NO way this baby's grandmother. How do I get her to stop acting like this is about her? Aside from all else she's a control freak (of course she won't admit it).

My other deal is my ex-sister-in-law will have my kids while I'm in the hospital. After delivery I want my fiance to go pick up my son and daughter to meet their new sister. Now my ex-sis and her 3 kids live with her mom and step-dad. I know they're ALL going to want to come too, even if it means taking turns to see me and my baby. I DO NOT want them there. I only want my kids. How do I deal with their acting butt-hurt when we say "no" when the only ones with a right to be there are my fiance and my kids? Neither my fiance's or my family will be there because of either work or being too far away to come til after the birth so we don't want my ex's family to even come see our baby until our families get a chance to. If there's going to be any family one-upping going on it's NOT going to come from my ex's family's corner.

 My fiance is all for just telling them off (which he's been literally chomping at the bit to do since he first meet them). Did I mention he can't stand any of them? lol Now don't think I don't have my own backbone but these are people that I have to deal with sometimes because of my oldest two so to me it seems kinda complicated. Maybe I'm over thinking it? Then again my ex-mil is the one who told me this past Christmas that she didn't want me or my fiance at her house that day because she wanted it to be just HER family there which included my kids. Well I couldn't exactly say no because their dad was up here visiting so I had to have Christmas with my kids on Christmas Eve. Up to that point, of course, I WAS family. She even still introduced me to people as her daughter and I divorced her son almost 7 yrs ago! For various other reasons, I swear if it wasn't for my kids I would have NOTHING to do with this family.

 What do you think? How should I handle this? Sorry this was sooo long!

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