3rd Trimester

xp- jan moms borth story


I get to remain a January Mom- Lily Katelyn is here!


Saturday morning at 1:17 my water broke, folllowed immediately by contrax that were 3 min apart right away. Got to the hosp 40 min later by which point they were 90 sec apart. ^ cm at traige, 8 by the time they got me to a delivery room. was in transition within 2 hours of water breaking....anaesthesiologist showed up (change from my original plan) when I was 9.75 cm (had an anterior cervical lip)- got teh epi while having a contaction since they were on top of each other...would have been a 6 hour labor but for the epi having too strong of an effect I had to wait to get some sensation back...allowing me to labor down for awhile.

Which turned out to be good, because after 3 hours of pushing (DD head did not seem to want to get around my pubis) at 10:29 am, I gave birth to a 22 in long 9lb6oz girl! She had meconium in the AF, but apparantly this happened right at the end of pushing so it was not an issue. She did ingest alot of fluid and mucus and was grunting so needed alot of suctioning right after which left me a ittle panicked...although I was quite distracted havinf my 2nd degree labial and 3rd degree interior vaginal tears repaired.

The placenta delivered quickly, at which point it was discovered the cord had attached more to the membrane than the placenta- which could have been a serious porblem if my membrane had ruptured there. Thankfully this was not the case and clearly she still got all the nourishment she needed!

She recovered from her breathing concerns quickly. Nurses ALOT and for a FTM and NB I would say we are doing OK with the BF.

We are home today and over the moon (except I've lost my passion for sitting as my perineum is on fire). I never have done well posting pics to a post on TB but will add some to my profile tomorrow. Even the dogs are adjusting beautifully!

Hang in there overdue mamas, tomorrow's your day!

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