Single Parents

Lurker looking for advice

I am a longtime lurker on this board, and I have gotten some really good advice from just reading your posts.  While I am currently married, I have a 4 year old from a previous relationship.  My son's father has decided this past year that he would like to spend more time with his son and we are headed to mediation next week.  We have had 2 different visitation/custody agreements including the one that is currently in force (I have sole custody, he can't drive our son and is suppose to have another person present, and he can not have him for overnights)  Up until now he has just signed off on everything and has never had an attorney so this whole mediation thing is brand new to me.  Can someone tell me what to expect?  Do we talk to each other or just the mediator?  Do we talk at all, or just the attorneys?  I honestly have no idea what to expect when I walk into the room.  Any advice as to how to prepare would be helpful as well. Thank you so much, in advance.
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Photobucket BabyFruit Ticker Blinkies, Glitter Graphics & more" BFP #1 12/26/06 DS born 08/08/07 BFP #2 12/16/10 EDD 08/23/11 Missed M/C ~7weeks D&C 02/04/11 BFP #3 3/11/11 4/1/10 heard HB 149!!! EDD is 11/17/11
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