3rd Trimester

Has this ever happened to anyone (NBR) *Long*

OK, so I am new to the third trimester board, but I figured I would reach out to anyone at this point and ask if anyone has been through something similar...

A while back I posted on my BMB about how my OB put me out of work early due to the nature of my job, and the fact that she considers me to be a high risk pregnancy. ( I am currently 27 weeks pregnant with twins)... I really didn't want to leave, but of course I did what was reccomended and best for the babies.

I work on an ambulance/also work in an office at the ambulance company full time. My job requires a lot of office work, as well as daily ambulance runs (911 calls, lifting very heavy patients at times). My OB advises that I can not lift more then 35 pounds during this pregnancy, so I advise my boss in hopes that my job could be modified slightly so I could just strictly do office until the babies are born. Long story short, my boss was unable to accomodate me so I had to go out and apply for disability. I applied back in October and over the past few months they have requested more paperwork from my MD which I sent in. Today ( more then 3 months later) I found out that the State denied my claim. They stated that even though I can't lift over 35 lbs and my job requires me to lift more then that, they do not consider me to be disabled temporarily. I was then advised to contact unemployment which makes no sense because I am still employed by this company.... They couldn't offer me any other explanation or advice..

I don't know what to do right now... I don't even know if I am understanding why this is happening... I want to try to look for another job now (anything!) to supplement our income, however I will have to go out very soon because my OB is not sure when I will be delivering at this point,  and I'm not sure who would hire me.... I don't even know what I'm asking really... I guess I'm just overwhelmed and venting, and maybe hoping I can relate to someone else who has been through something similar... Thank you if you got through all of this...

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