3rd Trimester

Mom Vent....grr.

I get it!  My Mom lives out of state and wants to start planning when she'll come to help me out with the kids while I have the baby.  I understand where she's coming from.....but........

Every time I speak with her, she asks me "are you going to pin down when you're going to have this baby?"....grrrr

I'm not quite 36 weeks and I have an U/S this Friday to determine size (estimate) and position.... since he's been hanging out transverse this whole PG...

I tell her she's welcome to come whenever, and stay for as long as she likes (she's retired so that isn't an issue) and that my EDD is 2/29.... apparently not good enough for her.

Both DD and DS were induced, so there was a 'date set' and I'm sure she's looking for the same thing this time.  Well, I'm trying to avoid induction here, and will be declining an early induction (much to her dismay) unless the Dr. can come up with a better reason than 'big baby'............

I should know more at the scan this Friday, but I don't know how many times I have to say it.... not to mention that she's stressing me out!  I'm inclined NOT to tell her when I go into labor this time around, though I really could use the help around the house.....

I get it she wants to pick her flight dates and not pay through the nose for those flights, but still......


thanks for reading...


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