3rd Trimester

Just confused

A little history before i start i'm 24 with 2 kids (a 1yo son and I'm currently pregnant with my daughter). My kids father is 23 with 5 kids (four boys (1 is mine) and this will be his first daughter) 

Me and my kids father have known each other for 8 yrs now. We've been in a off and on relationship every since we met. Now when i was pregnant with our 1yr old son he was there and supportive but yet waited until our son was a month in a half to want time to say he needed space.

Yes, we got back together after a week n a half of being apart. Now we are expecting a baby girl, during this pregnancy he really hasn't been that supportive this pregnancy has been difficult for me and I've been having alot of up and down moments all i was looking for from him was emotional support. I gave up everything to be with him. Just for him to turn around in November a week after i got out of the hospital (because i was going into early labor and was only 6 months), to break off our engagement stating that he was unhappy.

We still spent Christmas and new years together basically putting on the happy family picture for his family, one moment he acts like we our getting back together then the next he's walking around like he's single and doesn't have a care in the world.

I know that this might make him seem like a bad person, but he does have a good side my heart still wants him and he says we'll be back together one day just not anytime soon. I try to explain to people that he's just acting this way because of the way my pregnancy is going but now I'm starting to feel like he is doing this to hurt me and my kids.

I'm lost i don't know whether to keep working on us or let him go for good  


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