Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Formula before bed to aid sleep?

I was wondering if I gave him a bottle of formula before bed if this would aid his sleep any? I am going to need to start supplementing formula because I am just not making enough milk for DS anyway. I had tried it last night and DS had a reflux incident at 1 am where he sort of coughed/gagged and had frothy milk on his mouth, but then he slept until 4:30 which is the longest he ever has. I was concerned about the reflux incident but the doctor said not to worry about it. I don't know if the formula helped him to sleep a little longer though. I have read mixed things about giving formula before bed to aid with sleep some saying it helps some saying no. Others like the KellyMom website say that this can put LO at an increased risk for SIDS or other health problems, but I know lots of people who exclusively FF and their LO's are ok. I would think if formula was that dangerous they would tell people not to use it. What are everyone's thoughts? Will this work or is it a health risk to DS? Would you do it?
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