
anyone with 4 c-sections?

I am going to have my 3rd c/s next month. My dr and I discussed what my plans were and I told her I would love to have a 4th child. She didn't say I couldn't do it. She just said that she won't be able to tell me until the day of delivery to see how my previous scar looks like. She said if I healed up fine from the last time, then I can most likely have a 4th child. She also said she had delivered mothers whose had 4 c/s before and a couple mothers who had 5 although she wouldn't recommend it. She said 4 was "kinda pushing it."

So I wanted to know if there were any successful stories out there and maybe anyone who can give me some hope that I can have a 4th. If all goes well, DH and I plan to have a 4th child 3-4 years from now.

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