3rd Trimester

Just told baby daddy off....May have scared him away

Little bit of background info--Baby daddy and i live an hour apart.Known him a little over a year-started out as friends, then turned into friends with benefits.Became pregnant in July.Took him a long time (4+ months) to get over the shock of me telling him i was pregnant. So things have been pretty slow moving this whole pregnancy.But i have always given him his space and been extremely patient with him.(Never texted or called him to pressure him into anything he didnt want to do) He is 22 and lives with his parents (whom i feel are the only reason he has stuck around and accepted this) After he finally told his parents i was pregnant i started going down and staying at his house on weekends(his moms idea) so we could all get used to the idea of becoming a family and having a new addition around. (hes lost his license until May 2012 due to getting a DWI so he cant drive-so ive been the one going to him each time) 60 miles each way.

Well thats been going on for about 4+ months and the only thing thats come from that is me feeling like im a weekend piece of ass. He acts like im not even pregnant. I just kept my mouth shut because i figured he would have asked me to be his girl by now.

He is a very nice guy and doesnt have a mean bone in his body, i just feel he is immature and doesnt have the first clue in what to do/say i this situation. BUT ive spent 2 holidays with his family already.(He has NEVER come to my house and still hasnt spent ANY time getting to know my parents/family) I have asked him about being in a relationship a few times, because we started out as friends with benefits before i got pregnant-so i know we both like each other-  and all he ever says is that 'he's scared' or he 'wants to see how things go first'. Well why is it ok that we have sex every night that i sleep there, but its just too much for him to make me his girlfriend- even when im having his baby? 

In the entire 8 months of me being pregnant we have never had a conversation about the baby, he has never brought it up or even slightly mentioned anything about it.(me and his mom/sister talk about it but he avoids it like the plague) Hasnt bought one thing for the baby. Hasnt been to one doctors appointment except my sonogram to find out what it was (and of course his mommy brought him to it) He has a good job and i didnt want him to have to take days off to come to my very short doctors appts. but i just figured he would make more of an effort to at least ask me about them, or maybe try to get a ride to a few of them.(his mom always asked me when my doctors appts were so its not like he didnt know when they were ahead of time and she always managed to ask me how they went afterwards without me prompting her to do so)

None of this bothered me until tonight. I let it brew in my head untiI i couldnt take it anymore and i told him everything i was feeling. Told him he hasnt put any effort into anything this whole time, that if he cant even make an attempt to come up here to meet my family how am i suppose to trust that he is gonna stick around for the baby.And that i feel like his parents are the only reason he is a part of this at all. Also mentioned that he never talks about the baby, hasnt bought anything, and sucks at communicating with me.

ALL i have wanted in this entire thing is for him to commit to me (and his son of course) and he has just made me feel like im not worth it or theres some reason why im not girlfriend material. Am i just being selfish?  Then my emotions got the best of me and i told him i was over it and that he can keep doing whatever he wants whenever he wants and ill do this by myself like i should have from the start. Didnt read his response because i was too upset, so im pretty sure i either devistated him, or drove him completly away.

I know i have bad mouthed him this whole time, but this is factual information. I just honestly think he a kid inside and has no idea how to act in this situation without the guidance of his parents. BUT he has also had 8 months to get his *** together and figure it out. Im only a year older than him and i have managed to handle this with ease since day one. I always wanted to be a mom and was prepared from the second i pee'd on the stick to accept the outcome of the results. 

So my question is, was i wrong in snapping at him? Should i stop taking to him until he gets his *** together and apologizes? Should i cut him off completly? Do i just wait till the baby gets here in march and see if he changes? Im sick of this emotional rollercoaster i am on and im sick of sitting back and keeping quiet while i guess whats to come.  

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