Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Formula fed baby always seems to want more...

When I brought my little one home nearly 3 weeks ago, I had to make the switch to formula as she stopped taking my milk and only weighed 6.7 I started her on 2 ounces every 2 hours. Worked great until the pediatrician said  3oz every 2 hours. I stretched it out to 3 every 3 hours, she adjusted well, and would sleep all day aside from 5-11PM which is her wake cycle. She would only wake up to eat every 3 hours like clock work, other than that she was sleeping or awake and quiet. Then her two week mark came, AWFUL. She kept me up all night wanting to eat 3oz every hour! She would retain all of it with nearly no spit up...she did this for a day, then went back to 3 every 3. As of a few days ago however the 3 is suddenly less satisfying and she would want 4 every 3. Then I noticed it was more like 4 every 1-2 hours....and I knew this was too much or is too much...I went to the pediatrician for her two week check and she was 8.1. And the doctor was pleased, didn't lecture me about eating too much, in fact told me to feed her what she wants. (My mother also heard this) We came home she was going to watch my little girl for the day so I could get some rest. Today I noticed that LO is now not happy with the four ounces every hour to two hours. Before dinner I mentioned it to my mother, and she said I should just give her the other two, as she was giving my little girl 6oz bottles while I was sleeping. We got home from dinner 2 hours past and LO is hungry again...I gave her 4, she wanted more so I gave her 2...and now she is screaming, eating her hand and won't take a paci...I'm LOST! My friends 9month old doesn't eat more than 6oz and thats every 6hours..for her to have been eating the 30oz a day was too much and now she wants more like 40-45....I don't know what to do...She is 2weeks and 5days old. I don't know if she truly wants more formula, I don't feel right giving her more, but she won't stop crying and she won't sleep...

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