
Repeat C-Section Experiences

Background: I had an emergency c-section with my firstborn. I labored eighteen hours, his head ended up wedged sideways in my pelvis and I had nurses inside me trying to rotate him for two hours, tried pushing for three more hours after that and in the end I was way too swollen and he wasn't budging.  He ended up in the NICU for four days b/c with neck issues from being stuck and breathing issues from swallowing meconium.  Because of all this my recovery from this wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't excruciating either.  Having to go to the NICU all the time certainly got me up walking which helped a ton. But I think b/c of all the laboring and pushing I was probably more sore that I will be with my upcoming repeat c-section. 

So to get to the point... those who have had repeat c-sections, were you any less sore or did you recover faster from not laboring prior?

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