3rd Trimester

Induction birth story

Friday night the 27th I headed in to receive a pill to get things going and then returned at 8AM the next morning. In the morning the pill had worked I was 2CMs and contracting, so we started pitocin. Around 1pm my water broke(very weird feeling!) and contractions got stronger so I decided to get an epi. The epi was easy to get, didn't hurt at all. However it did take about an hour or so to get it working properly, it was only working on the right side. Once we did though, it was a great relief. I then got checked and was at 6cms, good progress! I watched tv and relaxed for about 3 hours and then when I was checked again I was still at 6, so we upped the pitocin, another few hours later I was at 8 and by 11:15 I was ready to push.

Up until this point things were going pretty well, but that changed.I developed a fever of 101 which made it difficult to push and guaranteed LO some time in the NICU. I pushed for 3 hours only to find out I could not fit my LO's head through my pelvis(I'm very petite) so, I needed to have a C-Section. I was scared to death. The C Section itself really wasn't that bad but recovery has been tough...but it's only day 1. After the C Section I was sent to recovery, where I stayed for 7 hours do to heavy bleeding and clots in the uterus, they had to do several exams combined with pushing my uterus to clear it all out. They said I lost about 1200 mls of blood and almost did a transfusion but the bleeding started to subside and I was finally taken to my room. At this point, about 7 hours after his birth I had only seen LO for about 10 mins.

Now for the good part, LO is beautiful. His name is Logan John and he is 7 pounds 14 ounces and was born at 3:53 am on Sunday the 29th (today) He is very healthy and I am so in love. He was worth every minute of this long process.

Married my best friend 5/2/2008
TTC our first miracle since November 2010
BFP 3/16/2011 Chemical Pregnancy 3/20/2011

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