Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Not coming easy

Anyone else feeling like this motherhood thing is not coming easy.

Lately I feel like I have no clue what Im doing. I feel like I cant make my DS happy. I just feel so lost and distraught!

I thought when we had our DS everything would be this fairytale. It has been anything but! I just thought things would be alot different/easier. He has reflux and we are still figuring that out but I think alot of the time he is uncomfortable. It just seems like everything is a struggle. I feel like he is only happy 50% of the time. I check everything is he hungry-no does he have a dirty diaper- no is there hairs wrapped around his fingers- no is he tired - no. I really feel like a bad mom and like I cant do anything right! Tell me it will get easier right?!? Before I crack! 

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