3rd Trimester

Overdue check in...

Anyone else?

 I am 4 days overdue.  I have an appointment with my doctor on Wednesday, at which point I'll be a week overdue.  I assume we'll discuss induction then.  My personal comfort is to not go beyond 10 days.  I know, I know...medically, it doesn't get dicey until 2 weeks overdue, but I'm just paranoid (due to a sad story about a friend and a stillbirth...I'll spare you the details).  I haven't had any NSTs, though, but baby is still super active!!!  That is reassuring.

Here's hoping I don't end up having to discuss induction at all!  But my gut feeling is that this is going to be a February baby!

Anyone else?  Finding it difficult not to overanalyze every ache and pain you have?

Oh, and is this your first or second (or more)?  This is my second...I went 6 days overdue with my daughter.

TTC #1 for one year with annovulation....
Clomid Cycle #1: 50mg = BFP
=Beautiful baby girl born May 23, 2009
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
TTC#2: BFP Cycle #1, no fertility meds!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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