Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Maternity Leave Question


I'm visiting from thenest because I thought that the ladies on this board might be able to help me with a new mom question. For those of you on maternity leave, can you tell me if maternity leave is generally classified as "maternity leave" or if it falls under another name (i.e.: short term disability)?

DH and I would like to start trying to conceive in about a year or so -- timing that happens to correspond with another big change in our lives.  I recently received a job offer at a new company that I'm very excited about.  However I need to compare my current benefits to those that will be offered in the new job. 

The new company seems very family friendly with options for both paternity leave and adoption leave, but I can't find any information on their website for maternity leave.  Is there another type of leave name that I should be searching under?  I know that the best answer will come from their HR group, but am nervous about asking at this stage in the game.


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