Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Cross post from C-section Board: Please vote: Am I being unreasonable?

This is a little long but I VERY MUCH APPRECIATE any advice/perspective you can provide on this situation.  I thought that since many of you are right around the stage that I will be at when I have to make this decision, you might be able to provide me with some firsthand advice.


My sister just got engaged and now would like to plan her wedding for July 28.  I am due on June 6.  She has asked me to be the maid of honor in her wedding (she is my only sister) and I will be the only attendant.  I had a c-section with my first (who will be almost 3 years old when #2 is born) and the recovery was tough but by about six weeks, I was feeling okay and my doctor had cleared me to do everything except exercise.


I live outside of the US and plan to have the baby where I live.  My sister lives in Boston.  She is a teacher and has two weeks off in July which is why she would like her wedding to be July 28.


July 28 seems like really close after the birth to me.  It will take us about a month to get the baby's passport so she can even travel to the US, and she will not have had any of her vaccinations before she gets on an international connecting flight.


My husband and son will obviously also go to the wedding so I wouldn't be travelling alone with the baby.


I am worried about my own health and the baby's health and don't feel that comfortable traveling only six weeks after she is born.


My sister is really upset about this and has given me three options:

1) Hope that the passport gets done on time to travel and the whole family goes to the wedding.  (I cannot guarantee this.)

2) I should travel by myself and leave the baby at home.  (I plan to exclusively breastfeed as I did with my son.)

3) Ask her to change the date which she says will require her to wait another year to do the wedding so they can have the type of wedding they want.  (Summer wedding in Martha's Vineyard.) 


I want to go with #3 but am afraid I am being unreasonable.  What would you do? 

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