North Carolina Babies

Presby/Novant OB/GYN reviews in Charlotte?

So DH and I are getting ready to TTC and I am due for an annual exam that I guess I will make into a preconception visit too.  DH works at Presby and REALLY wants me to have the baby there.  The OB/GYN I have been going to forever is associated with CMC so I guess I have to find someone new.  I'm not super happy about this, but I figure if this makes DH happy, maybe he will compromise on some other things later if we have different views.

Anyway, does anyone go to a Novant practice and have a doctor you really like? I live north of Charlotte, so anything in Ballantyne/South Charlotte is out.  I'll do midtown/uptown or maybe Huntersville.  I don't care if the doctor is male or female.  I just care about knowledgeable, not a lot of wait times at the office, and a good bedside manner.  I don't need you to be touchy feely and I can deal with it if the doc has a dry sense of humor or is a little snarky.   So, that said - recommendations?

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