
What is the big deal, really? VENT!

I am having a hard time understanding all the hate towards c-sections. I really do not understand. There is a reason why doctors recommend a c-section other than an induction or a vaginal birth. If you pick a doctor for your entire prenatal treatment, I would think you did you research and you trust that person's knowledge and experience. Why in the world wouldn't you? I am not saying just to blindly follow everything the doctor says - I do believe we need to be well informed in order to make sound decisions. Together with our doctor, a well informed expecting mother is in a good position to do what is best for her and her baby.

I get it - we are talking about major abdominal surgery. But I find hard to believe a decent doctor with good work ethic would suggest a surgery just because they feel like it. If they say they believe it to be the safest for you both in a case when, for example,  the baby is too big, or breech, or when people (like me) have a pelvis shaped in a way that makes vaginal birth impossible, I would trust their judgement. I am tired of people saying I have to do certain exercises to widen my pelvis and try the vaginal birth anyways. I've been doing yoga since the 11th week and I do not want to take chances. That does not make me a bad mother!

I honestly think sometimes it is even irresponsible when people go against everything the doctor tells them just to have their "dream birth". Do these people tell us about the 3rd, 4th degree tears, or the terrible recovery they have after instrument assisted delivery and stuff like that? About incontinence problems that won't go away?  Isn't one of the biggest arguments against c-sections the fact that the "major abdominal surgery" leads to a terrible recovery for the mom, etc?  About things that can go wrong with the baby during birth?

It really gets on my nerves being criticized for doing what both my doctor and I think will be the best for my child.  JUST NEEDED TO VENT.


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