3rd Trimester

If you have PUPPP, look here!

I got PUPPP a few weeks ago. It started with some tiny red bumps near my stretch marks on my belly... then by a few days later, all of my stretch marks were like huge, blistery welts. I also got it in my underarms, on my butt, and on my shins/ankles.


If you have it, please go buy Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap. It smells terrible (smoky, kinda like pine a little, and very "earthy"), but after using it to wash myself 2-3 times a day, the rash is GONE from my stretch marks and is easing up in the other areas.

You can buy it online at Drugstore.com, Amazon.com, or you can buy it in person at Whole Foods or most organic/eco-friendly food stores.

 I just had to share this, because PUPPP was making me insane. I couldn't sleep for more than like 2-3 hours a night because of the itch, and it was extremely annoying during the day, as well. I didn't try any other remedy and the soap worked. 

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