3rd Trimester

Extra ultrasounds???

     I'm not sure what to do, my doctor has scheduled me for an ulrasound at every doctors visit from here on out. I had mentioned that it might be nice to have another u/s at my last appointment (since I havent had one since 21wks). She was like okay I'll write an order. When I got to the receptionists desk to schedule the appointment I was shocked when she said the dr. wanted me to have one at every visit. Thats one every 2 weeks for a while and then every week until the birth.
      I've also been in limbo over a possible (?) GD dianosis. I failed one part of the 4 part 3hr glucose tolerance test. I've seen a diabetes specialist and have been put on a low carb diet. I also check my blood sugar levels 4 times/day two days/week. And the levels have been fine... low if anything. Fasting has been in the 60s and 70s. 2 hrs after meals its never above 100 (supposed to be anything under 120)
     Anyways, I'm very worried about the doctor potentially using all these u/s as a means to justify pushing me into a c-section. I know u/s are notoriously inaccurate when it comes to birthweight. But this doctor seems very trigger happy. I also feel that this is a lot of unnecessary expense.
     What do you ladies think? Would you refuse the u/s (I've read online a lot of women do refuse 3rd trimester u/s to avoid forced c-sections/inductions)?
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