3rd Trimester

Kicking myself right now (Target vent)

So I went over to target to pick up a rock N play sleeper and they were completely out of both models. We weren't intending to get the snugabunny one but DH was so angry they didn't have the other one he didn't care at that point and was willing to pay the 64 bucks for the upgraded model.

How the hell can you be out of BOTH models?

I am TOTALLY kicking myself because amazon had them on sale a week or two back and I like a moron didn't purchase it like I had intended. In my defense we were still up in the air about using pack in play again. We decided not to use pack n play due to DS#1 actually napping in it now.

But BLARG.... so I ended up buying one on Amazon and 2 day shipping it here so it's here on time. lol Ended up paying 64 bucks anyways go figure right?

Yep Laugh at my epic failness guys. *headdesk*


OH and I was at Burlington baby depot today too and I sh!t you not we spend over 10 min trying to find an employee to ask if they had any since they didn't have any boxes on the floor. We gave up and left since we couldn't find anyone to help us. That's why we went to target too. Prob could have gone to walmart too but after all the running we did all day for last min baby stuff we just wanted to say screw it after target.

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By lilenatalem at 2012-01-28 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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