Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Worried FTM...wheezing or congested?

DD is 4 months old and has developed a cold and cough this week.  There was a confirmed case of RSV at her day care.  We took her to the doctor Wednesday and they said it seemed to be just a bad cold and that her breathing was normal.  We took her back last night to after hours and they said it could be a mild case of RSV and to keep an eye on her breathing because she may need to use a mask and inhaler. So of course I'm really nervous about her breathing and I can't tell if she is wheezing or just congested.  Sometimes when she breathes it sounds like a wet, gurgling sound.  Is this just her being congested or is it considered wheezing? It doesn't sound like whistling...Thanks for any advice.  I feel crazy if I call the doctor again...but need some peace of mind.  She goes back on Monday for her 4 month well visit so I figured I could wait it out as long as she's okay.

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