Babies: 0 - 3 Months


Is anyone else's baby on Nutramagen?  My little girl,3wks old,was having a lot of gas and belly distended and was having 3 loose stools a day but she was straining and grunting alot.  Her pedi recommended Nutramagen bc they saw a very light amnt of blood in her stool which could mean milk protein allergy.  I am wondering if she had that light amnt though from straining so hard even though the stools are loose and not hard.  Last night was our first full night on it and she spit up alot but then today the spitting up has been better and the stools are normal now and not quite so loose.  It does not smell good at all and I am pumping to give her some breast milk but my supply is extremely low so she is mostly on formula.  I had a hard labor and had to have 3 blood transfusions after and they told me bc my hemoglobin was so low that my supply may be low.  I just hate that we have to be on formula at all much less this nasty smelling stuff, I feel so bad for her having to drink it.   We will see the Dr on Mon again and I am going to ask them to do another fecal test to see if the blood has cleared and if so if maybe we could go on something like Nestle Good Start, I have heard wonderful things about it
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker PCOS 2006-2008 Clomid and Metformin all BFN cycles 2008-2009 3 IUI's all BFN Feb 2010 IVF hyperstimulated April 2010 FET#1 BFP with twins m/c at 8 weeks Sept 2010 FET#2 BFP with Brody and Harper born at 22 weeks from IC May 2011 FET#3 BFP with singleton, cerclage placed at 13.5 weeks Neelie Grace born 37.5weeks on Jan 4 2012
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