3rd Trimester

Weird symptom after eating breakfast

Ok, this has been going on for over a month now, and it's really getting on my nerves. For some reason, after I eat breakfast (not every day, but most days) I feel kind of dizzy and light headed, and my heart beats faster. It lasts for about an hour. The first few times it happened, I thought it was because I hadn't eaten enough protein, but eating a higher protein breakfast doesn't seem to help.

I've talked to both my OB and my husband (he's an ER doctor) about it, and neither of them is sure what's going on. I passed my gestational diabetes test with flying colors, so it's not that. I'm not drinking coffee or anything else caffeinated, and I'm definitely getting enough fluids.

It's really annoying because A - I feel crappy, and B - I can't plan any appointments or anything in the morning, because I don't feel safe driving while I feel like this.

Has anyone else experienced or heard of this? Any ideas or suggestions? 

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